Softworld Federal Boosts Census Bureau's GIS for Cost-Effective 2020 Census

Softworld Federal is a first tier subcontractor to the Census Bureau Geography Division (GEO) performing application, database and GIS development for the upcoming Census. The purpose of the Census is to count and provide analysis of the US population. The work involved in making this cost effective, using modern technologies requires considerable collaboration and effort.
The Geography Division uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Development to create the framework for the survey design, data collection, tabulation, and dissemination of Census Data. In essence, the Census starts by providing up to date, accurate mapping of the entire United States, Puerto Rico, and surrounding territories. Because of the ever changing diversity and demands of our geography and population, significant technology investments are required to ensure accuracy and organization of Census data.
Softworld's Role
Softworld Federal’s involvement began with gathering requirements from the customer to the current state
of development using Java, Oracle, and PL/SQL to update and modify the Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (MAF/TIGER) database (MTDB). Our GIS Development and Administration work is being performed using ESRI’s ArcGIS product for mapping, compiling, organizing, and analyzing geographic information to be used in the 2020 Census. In support of these efforts, Softworld is performing Change Management and Technical Writing to improve processes and capture program specific knowledge, lessons learned and best practices to be used in future Decennial Census efforts. All of this work is being done on Agile teams to ensure collaboration and scalability as user requirements and priorities shift and evolve.
Our work is being performed onsite at the US Census Bureau in Suitland, MD by Softworld employees who have successfully passed the Census Bureau’s Background Investigation, and each of them have received the 2017 Data Stewardship training certificate from the Census Bureau. Softworld’s work on this program began in 2014 and since then we have grown to over a dozen resources supporting the Census Bureau.
According to numbers reported by the Government Accountability Office (GAO),the 2010 Census cost $13 billion. The Department of Commerce reported in thecost estimate for the Census to be $15.6 billion.
Through the use of automation and use of the latest technologies to streamline the process, the 2020 Census by comparison to previous decades will come in as the most cost effective ever, despite rising labor costs and inflation.
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